H&D | Our Story
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Our Story

Delivering services to the commercial & industrial sectors for over 30 years

24/7 Emergency Support

H&D Electrical has been successful because we believe that “anything is possible”. Our values have been defined through a continuous improvement approach to preventative asset management and ensuring that our service maintenance division is capable of supporting our clients on time and within budget. Our commitment is towards a collaborative, transparent and pro-active relationship with Facility Managers and Building owners.

Our People

People are at the core of our service delivery model. Our objective is to ensure the right Electrician is aligned to your assets and maintenance requirements. We believe it is critical that intricate knowledge of a building over time, creates trust, improved decision making and optimal efficiencies. You will know the Electricians who you have trusted with your assets. The outcome is consistency and good communication for Facility Managers and tenants alike.


Our office administration team and workforce scheduling is managed by Paula Laforgia.  We ensure responsive action to all work orders received through the Facility Response Centre (FRC) and other preferred client interface systems.  Providing Facility manager’s and Building Owners, peace of mind and accuracy in the processing and invoicing all orders to approved amounts.  We will update, close and adjust work orders through the FRC and manage all scheduling via our in-field job management software.

our staff are master electricians
Thermal imaging

Dedicated Support

We offer our clients a comprehensive suite of maintenance, facilities and asset management services that can be negotiated to suit your business objectives. Over recent years, we have seen the productivity benefits and increased scope of reporting through in-field technology and asset management systems. We recognise that a planned approach to maintenance will extend the life of your equipment, ensuring its operation, regulatory compliance and energy efficiency performance.


We know it is important to you that your contractors are meeting their statutory requirements. We provide all prospective clients current copies of:

  • Electrical Contractors Licence #37245
  • JAS-ANZ Standards certification
    – ISO9001 Quality, AS/NZS4801 Safety, ISO14001 Environment. Certified through Compass Assurance Services.
  • Cm3 Greencap accreditation
  • Public Liability Insurance
  • Contract Works Insurance
  • Professional Indemnity Insurance
  • Master Electricians Accreditation
  • Safety Management System
  • Sustainability Policy
  • Work Cover Insurance
Click here to speak to us about your business.