Feedback and our culture of “communicate early”, facilitate our OH&S design and policies. Our commitment to safety includes regular training and re-certification of all Master Electricians within the relevant AS/NZS 4801:2001 standards framework.
Our staff training register and our Incident reporting processes underpin our “zero harm” target. Leading indicators are managed through our management systems and we will ensure all site-specific inductions are built into our safety meeting calendar. Our Business Scheduling and Process System (BSPS), is customisable to our clients own reporting and safety assessment requirements, which ensures that all work undertaken is managed and recorded. Monthly reporting for clients will capture all incidents, near misses, injuries, damage to property and plant, or the environment that occurred onsite; and any corrective actions arising from those incidents and their status.
This gives our clients an extra level of comfort in knowing you are dealing with a fully professional electrical contractor and that work performed for you, will be done with the highest level of concern for health and safety.
Checklists and compliance forms are mandatory in the completion of tasks by our Electricians. Real time reporting and data integration makes it simple for our clients to access Risk Assessments, SWMS and reports on OH&S activity.
H&D Electrical engage an external auditing body to attend quarterly safety meetings to continually monitor procedures and policies are being charted for both the safety of staff and customers.